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Rental Agreement Terms & Conditions

Read the Terms & Conditions below or download a PDF copy.

1. Introduction

1.1 Rental Contract

When you rent a motorbike from Siargao Motorbike Rentals, the contract (Rental Contract) consists of:

  • The agreement (Rental Agreement) you sign to rent the motorbike from us.

  • These rental Terms and Conditions (Terms and Conditions).

1.2 Governing Law

  • The laws of the Republic of the Philippines govern the Rental Contract, and you agree that courts in that jurisdiction have non-exclusive authority to determine any disputes between you and us.

  • Consumer protection laws in the Philippines provide you with rights that are not affected by the Rental Contract, and any provision in this contract is subject to those rights.


2. Safety Induction

2.1 Public Safety 

Safety is our principal concern. If, at our sole discretion, we determine that you do not have the skill or competence to ride the motorbike safely, we may decline the rental. In such a case, any prepaid charges will be refunded in full.

2.2 Induction

At the start of the rental, if you request it, we will provide a short induction to ensure you are familiar with the motorbike and local traffic rules.


3. Who May Drive the Motorbike?


A breach of this clause is considered a Major Breach of the Rental Contract. See Clause 11 for further details.

3.1 Authorized Riders

Only you or an Authorized Rider may operate the motorbike. If you allow an unauthorized person to ride, this constitutes a Major Breach, and you will be fully liable for any damage, theft, or third-party loss.

3.2 Age Limits

To rent a motorbike, you and any Authorized Rider must:

  • Be at least 18 years old.

  • Hold a provisional licence, or have at least 12 months of riding experience, unless a specific variation has been agreed upon and documented in the Rental Agreement.

3.3 License Requirements

  • You and any Authorized Rider must hold a valid driver’s license issued in your home country or an International Driver’s Permit (IDP).

  • The license must not be subject to any restrictions or suspensions.

  • The motorbike must not be ridden if your license has been canceled within the last two years.

3.4 International License Holders

International residents and citizens must provide a digital copy of their passport. 


4. Prohibited Use


A breach of this clause is a Major Breach of the Rental Contract. See Clause 11 for further details.

  • The motorbike must not be used:

  • While intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  • Recklessly or dangerously.

  • For any illegal purpose or activity, including transporting illegal substances.

  • To carry more than two passengers.

  • In any unsafe or unroadworthy condition.

  • In connection with motor trade experiments, testing, or demonstrations.

  • On beaches, rivers, floodwaters, or prohibited roads.


5. Where the Motorbike Can and Cannot Be Used


A breach of this clause is a Major Breach of the Rental Contract. See Clause 14 for further details.

  • The motorbike must not be driven on flooded roads, restricted zones, or in any area where authorities have issued a warning.

  • Unless the motorbike is specifically designated for off-road use, it must not be driven on unsealed roads or off-road terrain.


6. Your Obligations


A breach of certain subclauses is a Major Breach of the Rental Contract. See Clause 11 for further details.

6.1 Start of the Rental

Before collecting the motorbike, you must:

  • Inspect the motorbike for pre-existing damage and ensure it is documented by you.

  • Pay the required Security Deposit (PHP 500 or equivalent in foreign currency).

  • Pay the estimated rental charges in advance.

    • Payments for rental charges on non-refundable.

6.2 Extensions

During the rental of the motorobike, you must:

  • Contact us by phone to request an extension.

  • A minimum of 24 hours is required for extension requests. 

  • Extensions cannot be guarenteed and are subject to availablity.

  • Extension fees apply as advised.

6.2 Return of the Motorbike

At the end of the rental, you must:

  • Refill the petrol tank to the same level it was at the start of the rental.

  • Return the motorbike in a clean condition and the same state as when rented (except for fair wear and tear).

  • Pay any outstanding rental charges or fines.

  • Pay for any damage, loss, or repairs if required.

6.3 Late Returns

If you fail to return the vehicle at the required time and day:

  • A late fee applies: Which is half the rate of your daily charge, as determined by your Rental Agreement form.

  • Late fees apply after 30 minutes beyond the required return time on your Rental Agreement form.

6.4 Failure to Return

  • Failure to Return applies 3 hours beyond the required return time on your Rental Agreement form.

  • Failure to Return attracts a daily fee (PHP 4,000).

  • Failure to Return without notice will result in motorbikes and your personal details being reported to local authorites for theft.

6.5 Tolls and Fines

You are responsible for all fines, penalties, and toll fees incurred during the rental period. If we process a fine on your behalf, an administration fee of PHP 500 will apply per infringement, and if applicable, the total amount of the fines, penalties, and toll fees. 

6.6 Security Deposit

The Security Deposit will be refunded to you in full if:

  • All amounts due have been paid.

  • The motorbike is returned on time and in good condition.

  • There is no outstanding damage or loss.

6.7 Lock & Key

  • You and any Authorised Rider must make sure that the Motorbike is locked when not in use or unattended.

  • The keys must be kept in Your possession, or that of any Authorised Rider, at all times.

  • If you lose the key a fee applies (PHP 1,000).

6.8 Breakdowns, Servicing and Maintenance

  • We will provide You with a Motorbike that is of acceptable quality and in good working condition. 

  • If the Motorbike breaks down during the Rental Period We will recover and repair the Motorbike as soon as possible. If the Motorbike cannot be repaired We will use Our best endeavours to provide a replacement Motorbike where one is available.

  • We are not responsible for any economic or consequential loss You may suffer if the Motorbike breaks down.

6.9 Hire accessories

  • You may also hire accessories such as helmets, gloves, jackets and saddlebags, the cost of which will be determined by us.

  • You will be charged the replacement cost if any of the accessories are missing or not returned in the same condition as at the Start of Rental, subject to fair wear and tear.


7. Damage, Insurance & Liability

7.1 Damage Liability

  • No damage cover is included in the rental price.

  • You must pay up for any accident, damage, or incidental damage, unless:

    • You can prove you are not at fault, and/or

    • The responsible party’s insurance accepts liability, and/or

    • The responsible party accepts personal liability. 

  • Payment for damage is required within 7 days from notice of amount owing.

  • We are not required to to wait for payment from insurance companies to cover costs.

7.2 Damage and/or Damage Excess Cover

Not applicable.

7.3 Administration

A flat fee is payable by You to Us for any incidents that require our time (PHP 500).

7.4 Incident Reporting

  • If You or an Authorised Rider has an Accident or if the Motorbike is stolen You must report the Accident or theft to Us within 12 hours of it occurring and fully complete an Accident/Theft report

  •  If the Motorbike is stolen or if You or an Authorised Rider of the Motorbike has an Accident where:

    • any person is injured;

    • the other party has failed to stop or leaves the scene of the Accident without exchanging names and addresses; or

    • the other party appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol,  You or the Authorised Rider must also report the theft or Accident to the

  •  If You or an Authorised Rider has an Accident You and the Authorised Rider must:

    • exchange names and addresses and email addresses with the other driver;

    • take as many photos as is reasonable showing:

      • the position of the Motorbike and all other vehicles before they are moved for towing or salvage;

      • the Damage to the Motorbike;

      • the damage to any third party vehicle or property; and

      • the general area where the Accident occurred, including any road or traffic signs;

    • obtain the names, addresses and phone numbers of all witnesses;

    • not make any admission of fault or promise to pay the other party’s claim or release the other party from any liability;

    • forward all third party correspondence or court documents to Us within 7 days of receipt; and

    • co-operate with Us:

▪ in the prosecution of any legal proceedings We may institute; and

▪ in the defence of any legal proceedings which may be instituted against
You or Us as a result of an Accident, including attending:

  • our lawyer’s office, or a solicitor;

  • any law enforcement or government agencies;

  • any Court.

7.5 Liability Payments

You will be liable for all debt recovery costs if You default in the payment of any moneys owed to Us under the Rental Contract, You authorise Us to provide information of that default to a credit reporting body and to obtain an up to date consumer credit report on You. Personal information may be used and disclosed by the credit reporting body in accordance with the Privacy Act to create or maintain a credit information file containing information about You, including defaults in excess of 60 days and the debt owed to Us.


8. Accidents and Reporting

8.1 Accident Reporting

If you are involved in an accident or the motorbike is stolen, you must:

  • Report the incident to Siargao Motorbike Rentals within 12 hours.

  • Report serious incidents (injuries, hit-and-run, suspected DUI) to the local police.

  • Provide photographs and details of any accidents or incidents.


9. Privacy and GPS Tracking

  • We respect your privacy and only collect personal information necessary for rental services.

  • We will not use your personal details for marketing purposes.

  • Our motorbikes are not equipped with GPS Tracking Devices however, we reserve the right to install such devices at any time for security and safety purposes.

    • Any attempt to disable or remove the GPS tracker is a Major Breach
                of the Rental Contract.


10. Reserved Rights by Us

We reserve the right to:

  • Report you to local authorities for any failure to meet the requirements in this document or for any breach, at our discretion.

  • Pass your identifcation and other personal details to local authorities, including, but not limited to, The Philippine National Police (PNP; Filipino: Pambansang Pulisya ng Pilipinas), The Bureau of Immigration (BI), a lawyer.

  • Contact you at any time during your rental period.

  • Refuse extensions of rental agreements. 

  • Charge additional fees, as outlined in the Agreement. 


11. Consquences of a Major Breach of the Rental Agreement.

  • If You or any Authorised Rider:

    • commit a Major Breach of the Rental Contract in a way that causes Damage,
                theft of the Motorbike
                or Third Party Loss; or

    • drive the Motorbike in a reckless manner so that there is a substantial breach
                of road safety legislation,

  • You and any Authorised Rider have no Damage Cover and are liable for all Damage, theft of the Motorbike and Third Party Loss.

  • Acting reasonably, We may terminate the Rental Contract and take immediate possession of the Motorbike if a breach of this agreement.


12. Summary of Fees

  • Security deposits: PHP 500.

  • Loss of key: PHP 1,000.

  • Late fee: Half the rate of your daily charge, as determined by your Rental Agreement form.

  • Failure to return: PHP 4,000 per day.

  • Additional administration fees: PHP 500 per incident.


13. Definitions

Agreement – Means anything in this document and anything in your Rental Agreement. 

Accident – Any unforeseen incident causing damage to the motorbike or third-party property.

Authorized Rider – Any individual approved by us and recorded in the Rental Agreement.

Damage – Any damage to the motorbike, including its parts, components, and accessories (beyond fair wear and tear), as well as towing and salvage costs, assessment fees, and loss of use, with specific liability for any damage to lights, mirrors, seat, or tires that renders the motorbike unroadworthy.

End of Rental – The date and time the Motorbike is due to be returned to Us as shown in the Rental Agreement or the date and time the Motorbike is returned to Us, whichever is the later.

Major Breach – A serious violation of the Rental Contract resulting in loss of damage cover and full liability for damages.

Motorbike – Means the Motorbike described in the Rental Agreement and includes its parts, components.

Rental Agreement – Is the document you fill out on our website or on a printed form, issued by us, which may include your personal details, pickup date, pickup time, return date, return time, the make, model, adn colour of the Motorbike you are renting, the total number of helmets, the date the agreement was digitally signed, your acknowledgement of any or all of our Terms & Conditions, any additional information or notes agreed upon by You and Us.

Rental Charges – The fees payable for renting the motorbike, as set out in the Rental Agreement.

Rental Period – Means the period commencing at the time shown in the Rental Agreement and concluding at the End of Rental.

Security Deposit or Security Bond – Means the amount We collect from You at the Start of the Rental as security for the Damage, Damage Excess and Rental Charges and other fees and charges incurred during Your rental.

Start of the Rental – Means the date and time that the rental commences as shown in the Rental Agreement.

Terms & Conditions – Means this document and anything contained in this document. 

Third Party Loss – Means loss or damage to third party property, including other motor vehicles and any claim for third party loss of income.

We, Us, Our – Siargao Motorbike Rentals, a business, it’s staff, and it’s contractors operating anywhere in Siargao.

You, Your – Means the person(s), whether it is an individual, a firm, or company, that rents the Motorbike from Us and whose name is shown in the Rental Agreement. This also includes any person you allow to use the Motorbike.


For more information, contact us via our website: